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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 15, 2012

Things I want to remember to do.

1. Have each teacher sign "Oh, the Places You'll Go" from pre-K to Senior year, and give it to Parker for his graduation.

 Have each teacher secretly sign "Oh, the Places You'll Go" from Pre-K to High School at the end of each year and give it to your child at graduation.

2. Fill his room with balloons on his birthday.

Fill your child's room with balloons on their birthday! SOO going to do this!

3. DIY baby book - monthly milestones.

DIY baby book: monthly milestone lists.

4. Take a picture of him on his last day of school, holding his picture from the first day of school.

First day and last day of school.  Must remember this!!

5. Document what he wants to be on he first day of school.

Document what they want to be each first day of school. Must remember to do this!

6. Welcome to summer banner on the last day of school.

"Welcome to summer" banner to greet kids when the come home from the last day of school!

7. For each birthday:

Do this on each birthday.

Also very important for organization/saving memories:

Life Story Binder
School Paperwork Storage
Precious Picture Packets

This girl had the BEST IDEA! She said, "My son is in preschool and the adorable art work is pouring in. So I am taking a picture of everything, keeping my very favorites to display at holidays or in a scrapbook and everything else just has to go. I found this amazing idea for displaying his artwork using the photos I have taken."
Saving kid's art without the clutter


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