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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012


I've kinda.. uh.. popped lol. I know I'll use that term much more whole-heartedly in a few months when I'm REALLY big. But wow, I am definitely feeling like I'm getting there now haha.

At 10-11 weeks, sometimes I had a bump, sometimes I didn't really. Then all of a sudden, I had a bump all the time lol.

11w5d <3

13w3d <3


16w4d <3

18w5d <3

20w1d <3

No mistaking that baby bump now! Definitely in maternity clothes. I've only gained about 5 lbs, but apparently it all went to one place lol! :)

(Edited to add more bump pics!)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Late 12 week post!

How far along? 12 weeks. <3
Total weight gain/loss: At my first appointment with the OBGYN I was 115, at my latest one I was 118, so I guess 3 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Still rocking 1 pair of my normal jeans, because they're stretchy and low-rise. Not for long though, they get uncomfy when I'm sitting, especially if I eat.

Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Weaned off of anything for sleep, can now fall asleep on my own :) Some nights I don't wake up at all, some nights I wake up 3-4 times to pee.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby at my appt yesterday and FINALLY hearing the heartbeat! <3 Best. Sound. Ever.
Miss Anything? Nope! I feel so lucky that I feel so great.
Movement: Nope, but I CAN'T WAIT!
Food cravings: Not really, but I can definitely eat a lot more without feeling full now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm able to do bacon now - as long as it's bacon bits (like on a loaded mashed potato), and lettuce, but not tomatoes yet.
Have you started to show yet: Nurse said, "Well, you're sure blossoming!" lol and I'm getting the "Are you sure it's not twins?" comments after posting a bump pic on FB. So.. I guess so lol.
Gender prediction: Doug and I are both thinking boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? It's still "in", but it seems to be sloooowly getting less "deep" lol.

Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on whenever I leave the house.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our NT scan tomorrow! Finding out the gender! Feeling baby move!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

12 weeks!! And NT scan!

Today was by far the COOLEST day in my pregnancy.

We had our NT scan (where they look for Downs Syndrome). We got to watch the baby on screen for 45 minutes! Little stinker would NOT cooperate, which was great because I've heard of some scans only lasting 5 minutes. Baby was sleeping. Very soundly haha. The sonographer kept poking, jabbing, pushing, rubbing - you name it. She even had me cough a few times. Nothing! Baby was NOT about to be disturbed lol. One time he/she even kinda rolled over as if to say, "Leave me alone!"

At one point I laughed and the baby sprung to life! Stretched it's little legs out, moved it's arms all about, lifted it's head up. I immediately got tears in my eyes. It was SO cool to watch. For about 15 seconds, and then back to sleep LOL.

The woman had been doing fetal u/s for 26 years! She could tell just by looking at my ovaries that we had done some type of fertility treatment (she asked, "Did you have trouble getting pregnant?"). We talked a bit and she was just super nice. We got a million pics - and at one point she even switched to 3D! Now, at 12 weeks, the baby doesn't look like a chubby cheeked little cherub. More like a grinning alien/baby chimp LOL. Not "cute" in the normal sense, but still cute to a mom-to-be!

I learned that the head is on the left side of my belly button (from my perspective, looking down) and the feet are on the other end. That MIGHT explain the teeny tiny very faint little taps/flicks I've been feeling once in a while on that side - little feet perhaps?

I honestly didn't know if we'd ever get pregnant. Seeing our baby, that actually LOOKED like a baby, and moved, and had feet and hands and a cute little nose and big lips and moved and had a beautiful heartbeat - there is just no describing it. It still feels like it's happening to someone else! Like, I go to these ultrasounds, I get these pictures, my belly is growing, yet - it still feels SO surreal, like, I'm faking it or something?! It's strange. I've never been happier.

This is the last week of my first trimester! And 18 days from today will be our big gender ultrasound! We will also get 1 3D pic from that day. 19 days from today is our big GENDER REVEAL PARTY where we will find out the gender. There are honestly no words to express how excited I am about this. And 20 days from today we have another u/s with our OBGYN. 6 weeks from today is our next scan at the hospital, where they check for a different abnormality, so I am excited about that one if it's as awesome as today's was!

Oh, and most importantly - she said everything looked great to her, but of course we need to wait for the exact numbers and the bloodwork. Should get those results by next Tuesday.

Without further delay, here are some awesome pics of our little one!

Waving hi!

Making a muscle!

My favorite pic EVER.
Lounging like he/she is in a hammock LOL.

3D pic! Looking like a baby chimp or an alien, hehe. <3

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Baby's firsts!

Baby's first concert:

(Although mama was too tired to stay and
actually hear Oakenfold lol...)

Baby's first holiday:

(Besides V-Day and St. Patty's Day...
Easter! Pics in this post.)

Baby's first movie:

(We saw it with Daddy and Uncle Alex. Daddy
didn't like it, but mommy's a sucker for scary
movies... and Joss Whedon!)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just some stuffs.

I've been having dreams almost EVERY night about the gender of the baby. And they're no help at all in actually figuring out what the gender may be!

2 nights ago, (in my dream) I did an Intelligender test. It was blue, for boy.

Last night, I dreamt I had a baby girl and was dressing her in a different outfit every ten minutes.

24 days left. The party invites are ordered! Addresses are (almost) collected. I got plates, napkins and utensils in pink and blue. Just got to get streamers and balloons now. I also have a few beautiful, generous friends who will be making food for the party (pasta, salad, chicken wing dip - a must in Buffalo, chips and pretzels, and of course beer and wine).

I was going to get buttons for people to put on when they get here, either pink or blue to signify their "guess", but they were $25 and I figured that was a lot to spend on something that will only be used for 3 hours. I could get 2 baby outfits for that much! I reaaaally want them though, they're so cute. I'm still undecided.

I also have to get white, pink and blue chalk, so we can do this to the chalkboard:

(See the buttons? Ugh, so cute.)

It's strange.. when we first found out I was pregnant, I *truly* didn't care whether we were having a boy or a girl. I was excited about the thought of either. As the time where we're finding out has drawn closer, I am so desperately wanting a girl. I cry about it sometimes. Maybe it's just pregnancy emotions. We tried for so long - I am not unaware how selfish/ungrateful these feelings are - but it doesn't change the fact that they're there. I am also very aware that this may very well be my only baby. Even if I *can* convince Doug in a few years to try again with our frozen embryos - it doesn't guarantee that it will work. And trying on our own may be just as unsuccessful as it was for 19 months prior to our IVF. I have always pictured having a daughter. And a son. But definitely a daughter. And if I can only pick one, I so so desperately want an Avery Grace. If baby is a boy, I'm sure I will deal with some gender disappointment, and get over it, but I would just rather avoid that, and cut into the cake and see pink!

Parker, if that's you in mommy's belly - just know that I love you so much. Everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that. And one day when you are grown, you will understand mommy's desire for bows, and tutus, and dance class, and pageants, and dresses and Barbies. And you will understand that this desire has nothing to do with you and how much I will most certainly love you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

11 weeks!!

How far along? 11 weeks. <3
Total weight gain/loss: I'm really not sure.. Possibly 2 lbs, but it still fluctuates...

Maternity clothes? My stretchy low-rise jeans still fit, because they sit below my little bump. Most shirts fit, but definitely show off my bump!
Stretch marks? Not yet! I think I'm going to get Bio Oil and start using it very shortly to make sure I don't get any stretch marks.
Sleep: Been taking a Benadryl at night, as I'm still pretty stuffy/congested and it also helps me sleep through Doug's snoring lol.

Best moment this week: Seeing all of Doug's family at Easter brunch - they all congratulated us profusely and are very excited about this baby! His Grandma is even making us a baby blanket and some booties! Love her.
Miss Anything? Seeing the baby! Doug and I are both going through withdrawal!!!!!!
Movement: Nope, but I'm REALLY hoping that since I'm thin, I will start feeling him/her in the next 2-3 weeks.
Food cravings: Not really. I'm not hungry around lunchtime, I've been having to force myself to eat something.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't think about those certain foods without feeling icky. -- Blech, still true.
Have you started to show yet: Yup! Baby is the size of a PLUM. When I wake up in the morning it's only a teeny belly. But by the end of the day, I am definitely looking pregnant. There's not enough room in there for food + baby, so there's nowhere to go but OUT lol.

Gender prediction: I will be very happy with a boy.. but I am so desperately wanting a girl, it hurts. This may be our only baby, and I have always wanted a daughter. Plus as Doug stated the other day, we already have our boy. There is SO much testosterone in the house - farting and burping and wrestling and guns and Star Wars. I want pink and tutus and bows and Barbies!!!!! Please oh please oh please oh please!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Same.
Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on whenever I leave the house.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound in 6 days. And finding out the gender in 26 days!!

Baby's first Easter!

We dyed Easter eggs, and Daddy painted a
"B" on one for baby <3

Thursday, April 5, 2012

10 weeks!!

I am SO SICK of being SO SICK! Wednesdays night my throat started hurting. By Thursday, I was full on sore throat, hot/cold, headache, exhausted, body aches - you name it. Thursday was MISERABLE. I ended up sleeping most of the day to escape the misery. Friday and Saturday throat was sore, but somewhat manageable with cough drops. Sunday I woke up and was like YAY sore throat is gone! But as the day went on, my nose got worse and worse until Sunday night, I was ready to cut it off. Congested and runny and sneezy. Monday and Tuesday were MISERABLE. I tried to take as little meds as I could and suffered through. Wednesday was a bit better, I could actually breathe a little bit. But as the day/night wore on, it got worse again, and when I laid down to go to sleep, the tickly cough started. And every time I woke up Wednesday day night (which, thanks to Doug's snoring was several times) I would get that same tickly annoying cough. When Doug left for work at 5am my cough got REALLY annoying. I couldn't sleep for an hour or two after that, just coughing and tossing and turning and congested nose and MISERABLE. Fast forward a few hours to now. I took some Mucinex and a couple cough drops and the cough is suppressed, but the nose is driving me NUTS. I can't breathe and it's sniffly and just annoying. One week sick and I am going crazy. I can't take it anymore! I don't understand why every few days I exchange one symptom for another. Couldn't I have just had everything at once for a few days and then been better? This is ridic. I just can't kick this thing. It has bounced from my throat to my nose and now my chest. UGH. The most annoying thing about being pregnant - not being able to take anything when you're sick :( The nausea wasn't bad. I don't need alcohol or seafood or lunch meats. But this - this is torture. We have a million meds in the house and I can't take any of them. Sigh.

How far along? 10 weeks. <3
Total weight gain/loss: Possibly a pound or two. But it fluctuates. - Same.

Maternity clothes? Sometimes my jeans fit, sometimes I need my be-band. Regular tops are a bit too short, so my one maternity top is most comfy (and concealing!) - Same.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Most nights still need a Tylenol PM. Not getting up to pee as much though, if at all. <--- Still true.
Best moment this week: Unfortunately, I've been sick so it has been pretty dull. Plus I'm missing seeing baby, as I used to see him/her every week and now it's been a week and a half :(

Miss Anything? Taking meds when sick!!
Movement: Nope, but I CAN'T WAIT. <3
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't think about those certain foods without feeling icky.
Have you started to show yet: A little bit, yes! Baby is the size of a kumquat or a lime (depending on which app I look at), and I'm tiny - so I'm definitely showing a bit... and I love it!
Gender prediction: I had a dream last night that we cut into the cake and it was PINK! <3
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Same.
Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on whenever I leave the house.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Sick, but happy.

Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound. Feeling baby move. Finding out the gender at the party in a month!

P.S. Yesterday was Reese's 4th birthday! My first little baby boy <3 He's my age in dog years, haha!

I can't believe he used to be so small!

I also just want to take a moment and talk about HOW EXCITED I am that a bunch of people are going to be making things out of love for our little baby!

My girlfriend Christina has graciously agreed to make a replica of the "blanky" I loved as a child. My friend Amy is going to crochet a little owl or a little giraffe for the nursery. And my friends Tiffany and Danielle are going to paint/draw art for the nursery collage! How cool to have so much homemade love for our little one. :)

I'm also super excitedly planning the gender reveal party for the day after our early gender ultrasound. My sister will take the "envelope" to the bakery, a bunch of friends are making a dish to bring, and I believe I'm going to get this invitation print from Etsy:

I'm really excited and I hope a lot of people show up to share in our celebration! I am almost certain this baby is a boy, so I will probably fall down and cry from excitement and shock if the cake really is pink like in my dream!

Monday, April 2, 2012

8 & 9 weeks!!

I've been TRULY slacking on the updates :( I've even been late taking my pictures. Bad mommy!! You'd think being off work and doing nothing would make me on time for everything. But alas lol.. not the case.

Oh well. Since tomorrow I'll be 10 weeks, it's hard to remember what occured two weeks ago, so I'm going to combine the 8 and 9 week update. Not much is a-changing these days anyways :)

How far along? 8/9 weeks. <3
Total weight gain/loss: Possibly a pound or two. But it fluctuates.

Maternity clothes? Sometimes my jeans fit, sometimes I need my be-band. Regular tops are a bit too short, so my one maternity top is most comfy (and concealing!)
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Most nights still need a Tylenol PM. Not getting up to pee as much though, if at all. <--- Still true.
Best moment this week: Graduating from our RE to an OBGYN! It was bittersweet, leaving our RE - they are so great. But felt great to go see the OBGYN like a "normal" pregnant lady! We graduated!! My mom also got to see the baby (on screen) for the first time at our last RE appt. She loved it! We saw the brain, the umbilical cord and the spinal column - the nurse even saw baby moving a bit! We missed it, but it was neat to know that her/she is moving now! The OB was really nice, and we hear great things about him. He's head of the hospital that we want to deliver at - so that must mean good things! At our first appt with him the baby was soo much bigger. He/she actually LOOKed like a baby! Kind of a gummy worm/teddy bear baby, but a baby nonetheless! Very exciting. He wants to see us again in 3 weeks, and gave me a slip for my 12 week NT scan and another scan later at like 18 weeks. He said we could find out the gender then. Little does HE know that mommy has no patience and scheduled a special scan at 14 weeks!! ;) That's right! Gender scan on May 5th and gender reveal party on May 6th! Can't wait!

Miss Anything? Nausea went away at 8 weeks, so I am one HAPPY preggo!
Movement: Nope, but I've read that thinner women can possibly feel baby moving as early as 13 weeks! Eek!!
Food cravings: Not so much "cravings".. still lovin the fruit and veggies though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Eggs, hashbrowns, tomatoes, beef, bacon, lettuce. Can eat meat again and loving it!
Have you started to show yet: So I'm being told!

Gender prediction: I'm back to thinking boy. :)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Same.
Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on whenever I leave the house.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Our 12 week ultrasounds when baby will be SO much bigger and look like a real baby!!!!!!

(Daddy needs to work on not cutting off
mommy's BELLY in these BELLY pics lol.)

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