Today will be my 6th day on Lupron. Only 3 days left until my baseline ultrasound, where they will HOPEFULLY tell me I can start stimulation injections on Friday. It's all finally happening and I couldn't be happier. Too bad all these hormones have left me unwilling to truly be happy about anything!
I've been trying to be crafty on the weekends. I made the two crafts in this post a few weekends ago, and made the below last weekend.
So yes, birth control is now OVER.
That was the last pill, yesterday's. I took those every day for 3 weeks. I also started Lupron on Monday. It's very easy. As with most things infertility related, the anticipation is what kills ya.
First, I wash my hands. Then I remove the needle from the package. I clean the top of the medicine bottle with an alcohol pad. I then draw back some air in the syringe, and inject that air into the bottle. I do this so that over time, pressure does not build up in the bottle. I then draw up .10cc of Lupron into the needle, tapping it to release any air bubbles. I clean an area below my belly button with an alcohol pad. Usually I have Doug do the actual injection - he pinches some skin (not so hard these days!) and jabs away! Slowly pushing the plunger to release the medicine. The whole process takes less than a minute from start to finish. We then re-cap the needle and drop it into our "sharps" container that we keep on top of the fridge. Our kitchen truly looks like a lab, between the fridge of meds, the sharps container and the huuuuge box of needles and alcohol pads.
The injection itself stings a little, but it's really not bad. I am starting to look like a pin cushion though. Here's Doug and I being goofy and documenting our first injection!

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