I want to do something like this:
(Found on Pinterest somewhere, a long time ago.)
0 months:
We are so glad you're here!
8lbs 3oz of adorable baby boy.
Your first night home was great.
You're eating like a champ!
You poop more than we ever expected!
You have a head of gorgeous dark hair.
You hate being naked.
You make a goofy sound in your sleep like you're laughing.
1 month:
You lost all your gorgeous hair on top!
You love your Soothing Sounds Giraffe.
You love your swing/vibrating chair.
You like your binky...sometimes.
Going out of the house is challenging.
You had your first bottle!
You're getting so big! Over 10lbs now.
You had your first Thanksgiving!
You don't fuss at all during diaper changes.
You LOVE to eat!
You grunt a TON in your sleep, and when you're pooping!
Oh my goodness!! He is so gorgeous. I can't believe he is 1 month already!
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